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News of the Website

Recently, I've been working on a book, and I'm making progress, but I still need to finish writing it and then publish it. The main purpose of this self-made website will be to promote this book and provide more information about it.
Occasionally, I'll post other types of content too.
Right now, instead of the book, I'm promoting a survey paper I co-authored, titled:
"Monte Carlo Tree Search: A Review of Recent Modifications and Applications".

I am an amateur guitarist and a professional computer scientist. Since my early days, I've had a strong inclination towards mathematics.
My primary area of expertise lies in Artificial Intelligence, encompassing various aspects and nuances of the field.
I'm most interested in core AI technologies for multi-purpose applications, languages for AI, as well as AI in the fields of gaming (video games), medicine, simulations and the military.

If you are interested in more details, drop me an e-mail or let's meet for a coffee in Warsaw.

In 2009, I obtained my M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at the Warsaw University of Technology.
In 2015, I completed my Ph.D. in computer science with distinction in Polish Academy of Sciences.
During 2013-2014, I served as a visiting researcher at the University of New South Wales in Australia.

My skill set is best described as a blend of:
  • Programming (C++, C#, Python, SQL, Prolog, shader languages, and several others)
  • Systems Architecture (complex and simple)
  • Research in AI and other areas of Computer Science
  • Project Leadership (planning and execution)
Currently, I hold the following positions:
  • Head of QED Labs at QED Software
  • CTO at QED Games
  • Vice-president and co-founder of Information Technologies for Psychiatry Foundation
  • Academic teacher at MIM UW (teaching one subject)
  • Cyberiada Maciej Świechowski - my personal B2B service -- for contracts